Posted by : Admin Saturday, June 15, 2013

Velington : Google has sent a balloon in space . Its launching was done from New Zealand's Tekapo lake.
This balloon will float across stratosphere .  This Balloon will provide internet service in area's which are not connected to internet with fiber-optics or Towers . 'Project Loon' is the Name of this mission .

What is Project Loon ? :


Google Balloon :

The balloon filled up with helium gas and made of polythene having diameter of 49 feet .

Where balloon will go ? : 

It will go from 20kms above the earth surface in stratosphere .This Height is the height from where Felix Baumgartner has jumped to earth.

How it will Work ? :
1. The balloon provide internet facility by travelling around the earth.
2. The computer & specialize antenna in balloon can be controlled from earth surface.
3. There are solar panels across the computer system of balloon . This will work as energy source for         balloon.
4. In recent time it will stay in space for couple of weeks only. But in Future the improvements will help the   balloon to stay in space for 100 days.
5. GPS system will provide the actual location of balloon.

Setup receiver and get internet connection :

This balloon will provide 3g Internet service in very law cost. We do not need any fiber-optic or mobile tower to receive internet connection.User have to setup receiver as there is in satellite dish network to get internet connection.This will help the people in critical condition to get internet access.

Range 1250 Sq. kms. : 

Computer Transmitter on balloon will cover up 1250 Sq. kms area of Earth surface .
This area is double then newyork city area. This will provide internet connectivity in Forests, Mountains and in Caves.

300 Baloons and... :

Google has planned in upcoming years it will launch up to 300 Loon balloons across the Earth. So that where ever internet is not available they can connect with internet.

Challenges :

Control of the flight of balloon in space will be more n more difficult because , The height of balloon is so much high where the pressure of air , flaw of air , and environmental variations are very immediate .

Internet Service Users:

480 crore people uses wireless internet .
220 crore people uses Fiber-optic internet connection .

Internet Connection from space.
Get internet Everywhere you go...
Google's Project loon will be the revolution in internet connection .

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